What to do after a car accident

Car accidents are never a nice experience. But knowing what to do if you wind up in one may take a little stress out of the situation.

Checklist for after the accident

Make sure everyone is okay

No matter if it's a fender bender in a shopping centre car park or a major accident, first things first — check your passengers and anyone else involved in the incident are okay. If someone is hurt and needs urgent medical attention, call triple zero (000) immediately.

Move off the road

To ensure the environment is safe for everyone, including other drivers, move your car to the side of the road and turn off the engine— if it's safe to do so. And turn on your hazard lights!

If you're a Bingle customer with comprehensive cover, and your car isn't safe to drive, call 1300 735 640. A tow can be organised for you 24/7 and we will cover the reasonable cost for towing.

Swap details

Once everyone is safe, exchange details with the other driver(s), if they've stayed at the scene. Record as much as you can about what happened, which can help come claim-time. Grab the following details:

  • name and phone number of any other drivers and witnesses
  • their driver's licence
  • their car rego details, and
  • their insurance info, such as the name of their provider and policy details.

If the driver doesn't have car insurance, ask them for their licence details. If the other driver isn't prepared to swap their details with you, make a note of their rego number and contact the police.

Do not admit fault

When interacting with the other driver, be mindful of how you talk about the accident. Though this may be tricky to do if you're feeling overwhelmed, don't admit fault or offer to pay for any damage caused in the incident. This will be sorted out later during the claims process.

Take photos

Taking pictures of the accident site and any damage can help with your insurance claim. In addition to witness statements, this may be able to prove liability. If your camera or phone can tag images with a GPS location and date stamp, do so.

As well as photographic evidence, jot down the date, time and place of the incident. This data is useful for your insurer and the claims process.

Report the accident to the police

If there's been damage to your car or the other person's property, or someone is injured, consider reporting the incident to the police. If you do decide to report the accident, make sure you grab the incident number from the police — you may need this when you make a claim.

Let your insurer know

Get in touch with your insurer as soon as you can to get the claims process rolling. Here at Bingle, you can claim online 24/7, in just a few simple steps

Are you covered?

Your coverage will depend on the kind of car insurance you have. For example, Bingle Comprehensive Car Insurance will cover accidental damage to your car, and the other party's property. Third Party Property Damage just covers accidental damage you've caused to someone else's property, like their car .

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